Welcome to my personal homepage

My name is Karel Mácha. Although I was born in Czech Republic I spent a good third of my life abroad, mostly in Germany. 2011 I graduated as bioinformatician from the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena and currently I live in Berlin.
Berlin was always the destination of my choice, fascinating, alive but also intimate with an unique atmosphere. For the time being I am really glad to be there. Berlin meine große Liebe ...
Berlin was always the destination of my choice, fascinating, alive but also intimate with an unique atmosphere. For the time being I am really glad to be there. Berlin meine große Liebe ...
Why this website?
This page serves firstly as my online profile. Even though I have a Facebook account I hardly ever use it and would like to provide a possibility to contact me easily and also share information about myself. Please, feel free to use the Contact page to send me a message.
I also hope I will finally find some time in the near future to present some of my work and projects I do for fun and to improve my skills. You can find my brief CV and some further links on the About Me page.
I also hope I will finally find some time in the near future to present some of my work and projects I do for fun and to improve my skills. You can find my brief CV and some further links on the About Me page.